
005.【完结】2023版雪梨新溉念第1册 [ 12.51 GB ]
┃ ┣━ 2023学霸笔记1对应新概念1.pdf [ 247.66 MB ]
┃ ┣━ 2023学霸笔记1封皮.jpg [ 17.72 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 01 Excuse me! 【1】.mp4 [ 35.93 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 01 Excuse me! 【2】.mp4 [ 31.52 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 02 练习题 Is this your …?.mp4 [ 15.16 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 03 Sorry, sir. 【1】.mp4 [ 49.12 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 03 Sorry, sir. 【2】.mp4 [ 71.56 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 04 练习题 Is this your …?.mp4 [ 20.11 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 05 Nice to meet you. 【1】.mp4 [ 62.76 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 05 Nice to meet you. 【2】.mp4 [ 57.31 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 06 练习题 What make is it?.mp4 [ 30.78 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 07 Are you a teacher【1】.mp4 [ 48.50 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 07 Are you a teacher【2】.mp4 [ 55.74 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 08 练习题 What\’s your job?.mp4 [ 28.92 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 09 How are you today【1】.mp4 [ 76.01 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 09 How are you today【2】.mp4 [ 50.30 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 10 练习题 Look at ….mp4 [ 24.50 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 100 练习题 He says that….mp4 [ 28.35 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy【1】.mp4 [ 93.29 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy【2】.mp4 [ 71.08 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 102 练习题 He says he….mp4 [ 11.20 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 103 The French test【1】.mp4 [ 111.87 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 103 The French test【2】.mp4 [ 64.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 104 练习题 Too, very, enough.mp4 [ 37.03 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 105 Full of mistakes【1】.mp4 [ 84.00 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 105 Full of mistakes【2】.mp4 [ 68.15 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 106 练习题 I want… to….mp4 [ 30.00 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 107 It\’s too small【1】.mp4 [ 73.08 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 107 It\’s too small【2】.mp4 [ 59.67 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 108 练习题 How do they compare?.mp4 [ 17.70 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 109 A good idea【1】.mp4 [ 78.14 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 109 A good idea【2】.mp4 [ 57.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 11 Is this your shirt【1】.mp4 [ 44.25 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 11 Is this your shirt【2】.mp4 [ 79.05 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 110 练习题 How do they compare?.mp4 [ 22.15 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 111 The most expensive model【1】.mp4 [ 96.54 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 111 The most expensive model【2】.mp4 [ 63.73 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 112 练习题 How do they compare?.mp4 [ 22.34 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 113 Small change【1】.mp4 [ 89.79 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 113 Small change【2】.mp4 [ 67.92 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 114 练习题 I\’ve got none..mp4 [ 9.78 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 115 Knock, knock!【1】.mp4 [ 104.72 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 115 Knock, knock!【2】.mp4 [ 76.52 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 116 练习题 Every, no, any and some.mp4 [ 22.50 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 117 Tommy\’s breakfast【1】.mp4 [ 83.78 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 117 Tommy\’s breakfast【2】.mp4 [ 82.22 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 118 练习题 What were you doing?.mp4 [ 24.23 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 119 A true story【1】.mp4 [ 91.88 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 119 A true story【2】.mp4 [ 67.41 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 12 练习题 Whose is this~that …?.mp4 [ 25.73 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 120 练习题 It had already happened..mp4 [ 25.01 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 121 The man in a hat【1】.mp4 [ 76.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 121 The man in a hat【2】.mp4 [ 88.70 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 122 练习题 Who (whom)….mp4 [ 31.42 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 123 A trip to Australia【1】.mp4 [ 77.58 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 123 A trip to Australia【2】.mp4 [ 81.14 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 124 练习题 (Who) ~ (whom)….mp4 [ 19.19 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 125 Tea for two【1】.mp4 [ 65.06 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 125 Tea for two【2】.mp4 [ 59.48 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 126 练习题 Have to and do not….mp4 [ 19.57 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 127 A famous actress【1】.mp4 [ 94.38 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 127 A famous actress【2】.mp4 [ 58.32 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 128 练习题 He can\’t be….mp4 [ 15.16 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour【1】.mp4 [ 105.48 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour【2】.mp4 [ 77.93 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 13 A new dress 【1】.mp4 [ 41.03 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 13 A new dress 【2】.mp4 [ 51.88 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 130 练习题 He can\’t have been….mp4 [ 13.89 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 131 Don\’t be so sure!【1】.mp4 [ 81.90 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 131 Don\’t be so sure!【2】.mp4 [ 72.29 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 132 练习题 He may be….mp4 [ 12.45 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 133 Sensational news!【1】.mp4 [ 77.70 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 133 Sensational news!【2】.mp4 [ 62.82 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 134 练习题 He said (that) he….mp4 [ 15.79 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 135 The latest report【1】.mp4 [ 97.15 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 135 The latest report【2】.mp4 [ 61.13 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 136 练习题 He said (that) he….mp4 [ 12.59 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 137 A pleasant dream【1】.mp4 [ 83.80 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 137 A pleasant dream【2】.mp4 [ 52.98 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 138 练习题 If….mp4 [ 17.39 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 139 Is that you, John【1】.mp4 [ 85.67 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 139 Is that you, John【2】.mp4 [ 67.12 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 14 练习题 What colour\’s your …?.mp4 [ 21.88 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 140 练习题 He wants to know….mp4 [ 17.20 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 141 Sally\’s first train ride【1】.mp4 [ 113.79 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 141 Sally\’s first train ride【2】.mp4 [ 62.68 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 142 练习题 Someone invited Sally….mp4 [ 17.15 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 143 A walk through the woods【1】.mp4 [ 145.52 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 143 A walk through the woods【2】.mp4 [ 77.57 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 144 练习题 He hasn\’t been… yet..mp4 [ 15.04 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 15 Your passports, please. 【1】.mp4 [ 106.63 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 15 Your passports, please. 【2】.mp4 [ 71.61 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 16 练习题 Are you …?.mp4 [ 45.15 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 17 How do you do【1】.mp4 [ 103.85 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 17 How do you do【2】.mp4 [ 57.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 18 练习题 What are their jobs?.mp4 [ 28.21 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty【1】.mp4 [ 74.69 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty【2】.mp4 [ 53.64 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 20 练习题 Look at them!.mp4 [ 28.25 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 21 Which book【1】.mp4 [ 46.25 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 21 Which book【2】.mp4 [ 56.27 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 22 练习题 Give me~him~her~us~them….mp4 [ 23.53 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 23 Which glasses【1】.mp4 [ 34.78 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 23 Which glasses【2】.mp4 [ 70.09 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 24 练习题 Give me~him~her~us~them….mp4 [ 21.21 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith\’s kitchen【1】.mp4 [ 76.94 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith\’s kitchen【2】.mp4 [ 49.94 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 26 练习题 Where is it?.mp4 [ 22.94 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 27 Mrs. Smith\’s living room【1】.mp4 [ 90.68 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 27 Mrs. Smith\’s living room【2】.mp4 [ 56.06 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 28 练习题 Where are they?.mp4 [ 23.87 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 29 Come in, Amy.【1】.mp4 [ 61.97 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 29 Come in, Amy.【2】.mp4 [ 57.26 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 30 练习题 What must I do?.mp4 [ 28.22 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 31 Where\’s Sally【1】.mp4 [ 82.30 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 31 Where\’s Sally【2】.mp4 [ 56.89 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 32 练习题 What\’s he~she~it doing?.mp4 [ 24.77 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 33 A fine day【1】.mp4 [ 83.41 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 33 A fine day【2】.mp4 [ 62.01 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 34 练习题 What are they doing?.mp4 [ 20.14 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 35 Our village【1】.mp4 [ 97.49 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 35 Our village【2】.mp4 [ 54.90 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 36 练习题 Where …?.mp4 [ 20.62 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 37 Making a bookcase【1】.mp4 [ 59.54 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 37 Making a bookcase【2】.mp4 [ 58.77 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 38 练习题 What are you going to do?.mp4 [ 17.53 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 39 Don\’t drop it!【1】.mp4 [ 56.69 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 39 Don\’t drop it!【2】.mp4 [ 47.38 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 40 练习题 What are you going to do?.mp4 [ 27.02 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 41 Penny\’s bag【1】.mp4 [ 78.91 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 41 Penny\’s bag【2】.mp4 [ 72.93 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 42 练习题 Is there a…in~on that..?.mp4 [ 32.37 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 43 Hurry up!【1】.mp4 [ 93.59 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 43 Hurry up!【2】.mp4 [ 64.60 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 44 练习题 Are there any …?.mp4 [ 24.57 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 45 The boss\’s letter【1】.mp4 [ 57.63 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 45 The boss\’s letter【2】.mp4 [ 64.65 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 46 练习题 Can you …?.mp4 [ 21.09 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 47 A cup of coffee【1】.mp4 [ 42.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 47 A cup of coffee【2】.mp4 [ 44.65 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 48 练习题 Do you like …?.mp4 [ 29.55 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 49 At the butcher\’s【1】.mp4 [ 92.89 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 49 At the butcher\’s【2】.mp4 [ 94.12 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 50 练习题 He likes ….mp4 [ 32.72 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 51 A pleasant climate【1】.mp4 [ 143.23 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 51 A pleasant climate【2】.mp4 [ 61.62 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 52 练习题 What nationality are they?.mp4 [ 22.65 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 53 An interesting climate【1】.mp4 [ 103.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 53 An interesting climate【2】.mp4 [ 72.46 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 54 练习题 What nationality are they?.mp4 [ 20.26 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 55 The Sawyer family【1】.mp4 [ 98.39 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 55 The Sawyer family【2】.mp4 [ 84.86 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 56 练习题 What do they usually do?.mp4 [ 19.97 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 57 An unusual day【1】.mp4 [ 65.90 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 57 An unusual day【2】.mp4 [ 78.04 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 58 练习题 What\’s the time?.mp4 [ 20.04 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 59 Is that all【1】.mp4 [ 56.11 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 59 Is that all【2】.mp4 [ 57.26 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 60 练习题 What\’s the time?.mp4 [ 25.83 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 61 A bad cold【1】.mp4 [ 90.20 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 61 A bad cold【2】.mp4 [ 69.09 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 62 练习题 What\’s the matter with…?.mp4 [ 23.29 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor【1】.mp4 [ 68.53 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor【2】.mp4 [ 69.83 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 64 练习题 Don\’t…! You mustn\’t…!.mp4 [ 22.72 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 65 Not a baby【1】.mp4 [ 70.09 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 65 Not a baby【2】.mp4 [ 70.93 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 66 练习题 What\’s the time?.mp4 [ 21.55 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 67 The weekend【1】.mp4 [ 101.13 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 67 The weekend【2】.mp4 [ 66.67 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 68 练习题 What\’s the time?.mp4 [ 22.59 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 69 The car race【1】.mp4 [ 92.33 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 69 The car race【2】.mp4 [ 79.01 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 70 练习题 When were they there?.mp4 [ 28.76 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 71 He\’s awful!【1】.mp4 [ 77.87 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 71 He\’s awful!【2】.mp4 [ 81.66 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 72 练习题 When did you…?.mp4 [ 24.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 73 The way to King Street【1】.mp4 [ 75.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 73 The way to King Street【2】.mp4 [ 65.66 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 74 练习题 What did they do?.mp4 [ 21.35 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes【1】.mp4 [ 65.94 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes【2】.mp4 [ 74.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 76 练习题 When did you…?.mp4 [ 18.38 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 77 Terrible toothache【1】.mp4 [ 82.59 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 77 Terrible toothache【2】.mp4 [ 74.96 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 78 练习题 When did you…?.mp4 [ 43.55 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 79 Carol\’s shoppinglist【1】.mp4 [ 74.35 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 79 Carol\’s shoppinglist【2】.mp4 [ 72.49 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 80 练习题 I must go to the….mp4 [ 40.49 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes【1】.mp4 [ 67.79 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes【2】.mp4 [ 75.42 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 82 练习题 I had….mp4 [ 13.19 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 83 Going on holiday【1】.mp4 [ 86.15 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 83 Going on holiday【2】.mp4 [ 77.83 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 84 练习题 Have you had…?.mp4 [ 16.18 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 85 Paris in the spring【1】.mp4 [ 75.27 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 85 Paris in the spring【2】.mp4 [ 78.10 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 86 练习题 What have you done?.mp4 [ 17.49 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 87 A car crash【1】.mp4 [ 81.52 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 87 A car crash【2】.mp4 [ 57.34 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 88 练习题 Have you… yet?.mp4 [ 20.44 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 89 For sale【1】.mp4 [ 95.10 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 89 For sale【2】.mp4 [ 73.57 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 90 练习题 Have you… yet?.mp4 [ 19.21 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 91 Poor Ian!【1】.mp4 [ 77.67 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 91 Poor Ian!【2】.mp4 [ 78.26 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 92 练习题 When will…?.mp4 [ 24.45 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 93 Our new neighbour【1】.mp4 [ 66.36 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 93 Our new neighbour【2】.mp4 [ 77.84 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 94 练习题 When did you~will you…?.mp4 [ 18.28 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 95 Tickets, please【1】.mp4 [ 85.66 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 95 Tickets, please【2】.mp4 [ 65.40 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 96 练习题 What\’s the exact time?.mp4 [ 36.35 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 97 A small blue case【1】.mp4 [ 76.28 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 97 A small blue case【2】.mp4 [ 65.17 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 98 练习题 Whose is it?.mp4 [ 34.42 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 99 Ow!【1】.mp4 [ 88.83 MB ]
┃ ┣━ Lesson 99 Ow!【2】.mp4 [ 82.37 MB ]
┃ ┣━ 赠送PDF课件资料 [ 148.78 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 01.新概念英语教材 第1册.pdf [ 9.33 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 361_【音频】Excuse me!.mp3 [ 1.81 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 362_【音频】Sorry sir..mp3 [ 1.88 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 363_【音频】Nice to meet you..mp3 [ 2.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 364_【音频】Are you a teacher?.mp3 [ 2.73 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 365_【音频】How are you today?.mp3 [ 2.07 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 366_【音频】Is this your shirt?.mp3 [ 1.67 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 367_【音频】A new dress.mp3 [ 1.83 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 368_【音频】Your passports, please..mp3 [ 2.48 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 369_【音频】How do you do?.mp3 [ 1.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 370_【音频】Tired and thirsty.mp3 [ 1.87 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 371_【音频】Which book?.mp3 [ 1018.44 KB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 372_【音频】Which glasses?.mp3 [ 937.62 KB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 375_【音频】Come in, Amy..mp3 [ 1.60 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 376_【音频】Where\’s Sally?.mp3 [ 1.76 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 377_【音频】A fine day.mp3 [ 2.10 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 378_【音频】Our village.mp3 [ 2.36 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 379_【音频】Making a bookcase.mp3 [ 1.69 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 380_【音频】Don\’t drop it!.mp3 [ 1.56 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 381_【音频】Penny\’s bag.mp3 [ 1.83 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 382_【音频】Hurry up!.mp3 [ 1.80 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 383_【音频】The boss\’s letter.mp3 [ 1.59 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 384_【音频】A cup of coffee.mp3 [ 1015.99 KB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 385_【音频】At the butcher\’s.mp3 [ 1.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 386_【音频】A pleasant climate.mp3 [ 3.85 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 387_【音频】An interesting climate.mp3 [ 3.01 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 388_【音频】The Sawyer family.mp3 [ 2.56 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 389_【音频】An unusual day.mp3 [ 1.94 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 390_【音频】Is that all?.mp3 [ 1.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 391_【音频】A bad cold.mp3 [ 2.39 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 392_【音频】Thank you, doctor..mp3 [ 2.09 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 393_【音频】Not a baby.mp3 [ 2.02 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 394_【音频】The weekend.mp3 [ 2.51 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 395_【音频】The car race.mp3 [ 2.29 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 396_【音频】He\’s awful!.mp3 [ 2.27 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 397_【音频】The way to King Street.mp3 [ 2.32 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 398_【音频】Uncomfortable shoes.mp3 [ 1.90 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 399_【音频】Terrible toothache.mp3 [ 1.54 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 400_【音频】Carol\’s shopping list.mp3 [ 1.89 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 401_【音频】Roast beef and potatoes.mp3 [ 1.70 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 402_【音频】Going on holiday.mp3 [ 1.82 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 403_【音频】Paris in the spring.mp3 [ 1.52 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 404_【音频】A car crash.mp3 [ 1.88 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 405_【音频】For sale.mp3 [ 3.43 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 406_【音频】Poor lan!.mp3 [ 1.84 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 407_【音频】Our new neighbour.mp3 [ 1.50 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 408_【音频】Tickets, please..mp3 [ 2.09 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 409_【音频】A small blue case.mp3 [ 1.91 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 410_【音频】Ow!.mp3 [ 1.85 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 411_【音频】A card from Jimmy.mp3 [ 1.96 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 412_【音频】The French test.mp3 [ 2.73 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 413_【音频】Full of mistakes.mp3 [ 1.76 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 414_【音频】It\’s too small..mp3 [ 1.68 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 415_【音频】A good idea.mp3 [ 1.91 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 416_【音频】The most expensive model.mp3 [ 1.99 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 417_【音频】Small change.mp3 [ 2.08 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 418_【音频】Knock, knock!.mp3 [ 1.90 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 419_【音频】Tommy\’s breakfast.mp3 [ 1.73 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 420_【音频】A true story.mp3 [ 1.94 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 421_【音频】The man in a hat.mp3 [ 1.48 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 422_【音频】A trip to Australia.mp3 [ 1.76 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 423_【音频】Tea for two.mp3 [ 1.58 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 424_【音频】A famous actress.mp3 [ 1.67 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 425_【音频】Seventy miles an hour.mp3 [ 2.02 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 426_【音频】Don\’t be so sure!.mp3 [ 1.52 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 427_【音频】Sensational news!.mp3 [ 1.62 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 428_【音频】The latest report.mp3 [ 1.98 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 429_【音频】A pleasant dream.mp3 [ 1.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 430_【音频】Is that you, John?.mp3 [ 1.83 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 431_【音频】Sally\’s first train ride.mp3 [ 2.75 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 432_【音频】A walk through the woods.mp3 [ 3.03 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ 添加老刘防止断更.jpg [ 83.09 KB ]
┃ ┣━ 雪梨老师读新概念英语第1册【72节 音频】 [ 143.42 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 01 Excuse me!.mp3 [ 1.81 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 03 Sorry sir..mp3 [ 1.88 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 05 Nice to meet you..mp3 [ 2.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 07 Are you a teacher?.mp3 [ 2.73 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 09 How are you today?.mp3 [ 2.07 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy.mp3 [ 1.96 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 103 The French test.mp3 [ 2.73 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 105 Full of mistakes.mp3 [ 1.76 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 107 It\’s too small..mp3 [ 1.68 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 109 A good idea.mp3 [ 1.91 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?.mp3 [ 1.67 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 111 The most expensive model.mp3 [ 1.99 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 113 Small change.mp3 [ 2.08 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 115 Knock, knock!.mp3 [ 1.90 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 117 Tommy\’s breakfast.mp3 [ 1.73 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 119 A true story.mp3 [ 1.94 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 121 The man in a hat.mp3 [ 1.48 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 123 A trip to Australia.mp3 [ 1.76 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 125 Tea for two.mp3 [ 1.58 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 127 A famous actress.mp3 [ 1.67 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour.mp3 [ 2.02 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 13 A new dress.mp3 [ 1.83 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 131 Don\’t be so sure!.mp3 [ 1.52 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 133 Sensational news!.mp3 [ 1.62 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 135 The latest report.mp3 [ 1.98 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 137 A pleasant dream.mp3 [ 1.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 139 Is that you, John?.mp3 [ 1.83 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 141 Sally\’s first train ride.mp3 [ 2.75 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 143 A walk through the woods.mp3 [ 3.03 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 15 Your passports, please..mp3 [ 2.48 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 17 How do you do?.mp3 [ 1.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty.mp3 [ 1.87 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 21 Which book?.mp3 [ 1018.44 KB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 23 Which glasses?.mp3 [ 937.62 KB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith\’s kitchen.mp3 [ 2.22 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 27 Mrs. Smith\’s living room.mp3 [ 1.83 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 29 Come in, Amy..mp3 [ 1.60 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 31 Where\’s Sally?.mp3 [ 1.76 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 33 A fine day.mp3 [ 2.10 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 35 Our village.mp3 [ 2.36 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 37 Making a bookcase.mp3 [ 1.69 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 39 Don\’t drop it!.mp3 [ 1.56 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 41 Penny\’s bag.mp3 [ 1.83 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 43 Hurry up!.mp3 [ 1.80 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 45 The boss\’s letter.mp3 [ 1.59 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 47 A cup of coffee.mp3 [ 1015.99 KB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 49 At the butcher\’s.mp3 [ 1.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 51 A pleasant climate.mp3 [ 3.85 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 53 An interesting climate.mp3 [ 3.01 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 55 The Sawyer family.mp3 [ 2.56 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 57 An unusual day.mp3 [ 1.94 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 59 Is that all?.mp3 [ 1.95 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 61 A bad cold.mp3 [ 2.39 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor..mp3 [ 2.09 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 65 Not a baby.mp3 [ 2.02 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 67 The weekend.mp3 [ 2.51 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 69 The car race.mp3 [ 2.29 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 71 He\’s awful!.mp3 [ 2.27 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 73 The way to King Street.mp3 [ 2.32 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes.mp3 [ 1.90 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 77 Terrible toothache.mp3 [ 1.54 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 79 Carol\’s shopping list.mp3 [ 1.89 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes.mp3 [ 1.70 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 83 Going on holiday.mp3 [ 1.82 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 85 Paris in the spring.mp3 [ 1.52 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 87 A car crash.mp3 [ 1.88 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 89 For sale.mp3 [ 3.43 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 91 Poor lan!.mp3 [ 1.84 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 93 Our new neighbour.mp3 [ 1.50 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 95 Tickets, please..mp3 [ 2.09 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 97 A small blue case.mp3 [ 1.91 MB ]
┃ ┃ ┣━ Lesson 99 Ow!.mp3 [ 1.85 MB ]



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